Atlanta Criterium
Day 1 Friday Race 4:00 Eastern Standard Time Race #1
Had to work late that night before and that next morning so I did not get any proper nutrition before the race but even if I would have I still would have had the same outcome because I need some race training.
Race started 30 minutes late and there was only 8 guys and we started and I felt terrible my heart rate is way too high so after about 3 or 4 laps they were giving a $25 dollar preme and I wanted the $25 and I was gonna get it that was my plan. At that time I was sitting last at about 800 yards and a head wind I went after the preme 110% I flew around them and one guy had enough sprint to catch my draft and about 100 yards to the line for the preme I was going 36.9 mph in a head wind and heart rate 198 I blew up and lost the preme and that guy finished it all by himself and I had to ride all but the last lap by myself and got 5th and these guys were way back except the one that passed me I just could not believe someone stayed with the jump I had from 20 to 36.9 quick. So that race stinked but I did learn from it.
Day 2 Saturday 8:00 race #2
I did not eat 3 hours before race so I got up at 5:30 and20got a protein shake and banana and peanut butter. So at 8 I had warmed up and was ready and the race did not start till 8:30 12 to 14 guys so that was nice. Right before the start they said the 1st lap is a preme lap for a Hincapie jersey we took off and since the day before I knew a little more how to do it,do not jump 800 yards before the line and wait on the right time to jump and pick who to draft behind and it was crazy because the pack was going slow until 200 yards then they all jumped which was good for me because I could stay in the draft and I could see this Spanish guy 5'5 140lbs he went left and I went right and got him by a bike and got my $100 jersey then I settled back in and rode smart the pace was slow 23 in a draft thats slow but we rode a few laps and I was saving myself for the finish and another preme came up and they were going so slow I just got that one by 4 bikes or more. We still rode hard but not over 170 heart rate except on a few jumps 189 max and 34.2 mph and I got 2nd right behind the Spanish guy so I start to wonder if I would not have got that 1st or 2nd preme could I have one. Who cares I got the jersey.
Day 2 Saturday race #3
I did not eat 3 hours before the race again and had some hammer gel 30 minutes before and spike my glycogen level and my goal this tim e was to win and the guy that passed me on the first one was there so I knew stay behind him and get him back for taking my preme. After lap three I said lets go to him and took off and he didn't go so I settled back in and watched him one lap to go I stayed behind him 1 and 2 and one turn to go and a slight up hill 40 yards 6 people got in front somehow they blocked me in I was on the right so I cut across to the left and sprinted and passed them all on the hill and got behind the guy and as he turned right he looked back at me to see if anybody had stayed with his jump and he kicked it in again 800 yards to go I started to smile because I was in his draft and got him by ¾ of bike length my first win I turned around and said got you back. Power helps a lot on the sprint but placement and draft help 50% more. Top speed on that race 30.2 and that was at the finish a slow race me and this guy were by far a lot faster and he is faster than me I have to work on making my engine bigger by doing zone 2 training.
Day 3 Sunday race #4
Got there right on time fueled properly and ready to go did my warm up and ready to start they said it was going to be 8:15 and then 8:45 and then they said the Jrs were going first and cat5 would be at 9:45 and we had to be at the Atlanta aquarium at 11:00 . I didn't check the race bible is what they call it changed Wednesday of last week. So at 8:30 I rode my race by myself and this course was hard and a lot of climbing and one downhill 34.6 mph max heart rate 188. So that would have been a good race Me and that guy could have seen who was faster he was a lot lighter so it would have been hard to beat him. Praise God that I did not check the correct time because if we would have got to the aquarium after 12 it would have taken an hour or so to get in. So all in all I am happy with the outcome and the defeat on the first race which taught me how to better plan. Need you guys you would love it Fun Fun!!